The biggest problem with this bottle is the date: 2000. It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating the new millennium at midnight on the Embankment with bottles of champagne and a fireworks display that has never been bettered in London
I’ve enjoyed a few bottles of Beau-Site over the years and this bottle was no exception. We tried a bottle on Easter Sunday last year and sadly, it seemed past its best, but the cork had split. Today’s cork pulled intact, the first sniff was of that of fine mature claret, the aroma that you only know if you’ve kept the bottles for twenty years or more. The wine on the palette tasted smooth, full and rounded. Mature but not over the hill.
And this claret from St. Estèphe in the Médoc was the perfect wine as accompaniment for Terry’s roasted pigeon on a bed of ratatouille with broccoli spears and potatoes creamed by hand. The Ch. Beau-Site 2000 tasted full and strong, complementing the pigeon meat as it flaked off the carcase; the wine stayed stable once served and there was little sediment in the bottle.
A fine wine.