2024 LWT Ex-Engineers Christmas reunion at the Rose and Crown, Colombo Street London SE1

2024 LWT Ex-Engineers Christmas reunion at the Rose and Crown, Colombo Street, London SE1

This happy reunion was like a lunch break in the middle of an outside broadcast back in the Eighties. I joined London Weekend Television in July 1977. Our appearances have aged but the voices are hauntingly familiar. We have our individual memories but the warmth from those far-off days unites us; working for LWT gave us some of the best working days of our lives, doing the engineering for one of television’s golden eras. They’ve always been older than me but this time round there weren’t any “leavers” to note, at least not from our group of outside broadcasts and radio links engineers.
So many memories to think over as I walked the familiar route back to Embankment station.